Every weekend we gather as a big extended family to worship Jesus and proclaim His gospel. These worship gatherings are intended to encourage us as we seek to live out our new identity as followers of Jesus. We study, listen and respond to the teachings of scripture. We sing songs, new and old, that are focused on the glory of God and the hope of the gospel. We pray to God, expressing our need for Him both corporately and individually.
current sermon series
We are committed to partnering with parents to help their children follow Jesus in all of life. Life Kids happens on Sunday mornings during our regular worship gatherings. Every week, kids from six weeks old through fifth grade are learning about God’s story of redemption through Jesus Christ in all of the Bible. Our kids gather in safe, age appropriate environments where they have the opportunity to interact with other kids their age and see God’s story come to life through video, music, activities, and more.
GRADES 6 - 12
Student Life meets regularly throughout the year and offer a time to hang out, learn more about the gospel, and connect with other students and leaders who care about them. We also do combined parish events during the year, where students come together for things like retreats, conferences and summer camp. All students are welcome! Click below to request more information about upcoming events.
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